My name is Todd Lauder, and I was a functional alcoholic for over 25 years. I could stop drinking for short stretches of time to train and run a marathon, or to give into the ultimatums to quit “or else!” from family. I always ended up going back to the bottle. Over time, I split with my then-wife, my depression grew, and alcohol became a way for me to forget all my problems and failures in life. I started drinking at work, so that I could get through the day. Eventually, I was fired. Before I decided to get sober, life was a blur. I remember waking up shaking, and I would need a pint of alcohol to get my body to a normal state. I met a wonderful woman; she helped guide me to a two-week outpatient program. She never made me feel like I was weak for not being able to quit on my own, which was lucky for me because she helped me get into 4-detox programs before I entered an in-patient program. Her love allowed me to believe I could make a change; for the first time, I had someone in my life who believed in me, who cared about me and would stand by me during |